What’s missing: 6 features the new iPad Pro 2024 doesn’t have


Apple iPad Pro 2024

Apple’s new iPad Pro 2024 is out, and it’s beautiful, thin, powerful…but if you look very closely, you’ll notice that some features are missing. Even a couple of pretty big ones.

We’re not just talking about our wish list (yes, I’d very much like to see more USB-C ports). No, there are some features and options that were there in the 2022 iPad Pro but were taken away from the new one. Let’s dive in.

No ultra-wide camera

Apple iPad Pro specs

New iPad Pro on the left, old iPad Pro on the right.
Credit: Apple

This is a pretty big one, and an unusual move for Apple. The 2022 iPad Pro came with dual cameras on the back — a 12-megapixel wide camera, and a 10-megapixel ultra-wide camera. On the 2024 version of the iPad Pro, the ultra-wide camera is gone.

We suspect that the ultra-wide camera wasn’t utilized very much, and most people probably won’t notice that it’s gone. But it does feel like a (pretty big) downgrade. Hey, at least owners of the old iPad Pro can brag about their device being better than the new one in this regard!

No physical SIM slot

There’s no physical SIM slot on the Cellular version of the new iPad Pro, only an eSIM. Again, most users won’t have a problem with this one, and it’s probably one of the cuts Apple had to do to make the new iPad Pro the thinnest iPad ever, but if you do need a physical SIM slot, it’s a bummer.

Only four mics

Apple iPad Pro specs

We’re not sure if it’ll make much of a difference, but the new iPad Pro has one mic less than the old one.
Credit: Apple

Yes, the 2024 iPad Pro has only four “studio-quality microphones,” whereas the 2022 had five. Another thing I’ll constantly mention while proudly showing off my old iPad Pro.

“Hear that crystal quality audio? That’s the fifth mic doing the work.”

No stickers in the box

This one has to do with saving the environment: You don’t get an Apple logo sticker with the new iPad Pro. Getting an Apple sticker you can stick on the back of your car and thus show off your nerdiness to the world is a long-standing Apple tradition, though, and we’re a bit sad to see it go.

No Always On display

There’s no two ways about it: The new, Ultra Retina XDR OLED display on the iPad Pro 2024 appears to be a massive improvement on the last version’s display, and perhaps even any display on a portable device out there.

There’s one thing that irks us, though. The new display has ProMotion tech allowing for adaptive refresh rates from 10Hz to 120Hz, but unlike the iPhone 15 Pro, it doesn’t have an Always On display option. Personally, I find Always On on my phone too distracting, but the option might be nice to have on the iPad Pro’s large display, perhaps for displaying calendar, weather, and other glanceable information. In any case, you can’t have it, because the option just isn’t there. Maybe next time.

No Smart Keyboard Folio

Apple iPad Pro specs

If you want a thin and light keyboard for your iPad Pro 2024, you’ll have to look elsewhere.
Credit: Apple

The new iPad Pro got a new Magic Keyboard, but it lost Apple’s other keyboard option: Smart Keyboard Folio. Per Apple’s spec sheet, the new iPad isn’t compatible with the old Smart Keyboard Folio, and the company didn’t launch a new one so…tough luck.

This one stings even harder given how thin and light the iPad Pro 2024 is. It would make sense to have a super-thin and super-light portable keyboard to match, but Apple only offers the fairly bulky Magic Keyboard. Fortunately, there will probably be plenty of third-party keyboards for the iPad Pro soon.

The 2024 iPad Pro‘s now available for preorder. But it’s not the only new Apple tablet leaving out features — here’s what’s missing from the iPad Air 2024.

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