Save up to $60 on a pet DNA kit during the final hours of Amazon Pet Day


three pet DNA testing kits sit on a purple background

Ever wondered which breed your dog really is or how your cat’s dental health is going? Wonder no more thanks to these great deals on pet DNA kits during the last day of Amazon Pet Day.

Best pet DNA kits at Amazon Pet Day

Best pet DNA kit for dogs
ancestry dog dna kit

Best pet DNA kit for cats

Basepaws cat DNA test

$99 at Amazon
(save $60)
a basepaws cat dna kit box

Best dog DNA kit for fast results

Embark Breed & Health dog DNA test

$139 at Amazon
(save $20)
the embark dog dna kit box on a white background

Best dog DNA kit for locating relatives

Wisdom Panel Breed Discovery dog DNA kit

$67.99 at Amazon
(save $17)
a wisdon panel dog dna testing kit box on a white background

Knowing your dog or cat’s genetic makeup might initially seem like just scratching a curiosity itch, but the knowledge they reveal can be useful. Genetic testing for your pets can give you insights into their behavior, common health issues of their specific breed, and introduce you to their relatives. If any of this piques your interest, Amazon Pet Day has some great deals on pet DNA kits for both cats and dogs.

Hurry to grab these deals because Amazon Pet Day ends tonight at 11:59 p.m. PT.

Here are the best pet DNA kit deals we’ve found so far:

Best pet DNA kit for dogs

Why we like it

The AncestryDNA dog breed identification kit is simple to use: collect a saliva sample, pack it up, and send it off. In about two to six weeks, you’ll get detailed online results that give specifics about your dog’s genetic makeup. Ancestry will list which breed (or breeds) are present in your dog with percentages of each. These details can help explain not only physical characteristics but personality traits and common behaviors, too.

Best pet DNA kit for cats

a basepaws cat dna kit box

Credit: Basepaws

Our pick: Basepaws cat DNA test

at Amazon

Save $60.00

Why we like it

While swabbing your cat’s gums and teeth might not sound like the best day ever, the results are worth the effort. The Basepaws cat DNA test comes back with results that’ll indicate your cat’s breed (or breeds), as well as common traits. Basepaws scans for over 21 breeds and 25 genetic traits.

Another benefit is the medical read-out that comes with the analysis. Basepaws screens for over 40 genetic diseases and gives you an oral health report. Both of these elements can help with early detection of potential future health issues and clue you in on the mouth health of your pet.

Best dog DNA kit with fast results

Why we like it

With a return time between two and four weeks, the Embark Breed & Health dog DNA test can be a great option if you’re looking for fast results. Embark developed the test in partnership with Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine to use research-grade genotyping. The test scans for relations to over 350 dog breeds and even includes dingoes, coyotes, and wolves.

The DNA test also looks at over 250 genetic health conditions to help you and your vet better care for your dog’s needs. And if you have questions about the results, check in with one of Embark’s vets or genetic experts.

Best dog DNA kit for locating relatives

Why we like it

Finding out a distant cousin lives in Paris can be a pretty exciting discovery. Finding your dog’s sibling lives one town over is arguably even more exciting. The Wisdom Panel Breed Discovery dog DNA kit scans a large breed database and then allows you to see photos, compare genetic testing results, and even send messages (imagine the playdate possibilities). Wisdom Panel says the company has found relative matches for over 99.9% of the 3 million dogs they’ve tested.

The test also gives a clear breakdown of breeds present and tests for medical sensitivities, which can let you know if your dog is more likely to have a reaction to certain medications.

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