Rev Up Your Love Life: The Ultimate Collection of Men’s Sex Toys – Cock Rings, Smart Toys, and More!


A toy gun firing sweets

This content originally appeared on Mashable for a US audience and has been adapted for the UK audience.

Men, your solo sex game is very much on the up. That’s because the world of men’s sex toys has more options than ever before — a whole manner of toys and gadgets that help get you off. From regular old masturbation aids to sex toys designed to satisfy your geekier side, there’s a wide range of options. That means something for everyone. 

While it may seem sometimes like male sex toys are getting left out of the current sextech revolution, that’s far from true. Real sex positivity applies to everyone, which is why we’re excited about sex educators and smart companies working to buck the stigmas associated with male masturbation and backdoor experimentation.

If you’re looking for a new sex toy but don’t know where to start, here’s a quick guide.

Are there different types of sex toys for men?

We’ve checked out everything on offer, and helpfully organised the primary types of sex toys you are likely to encounter:

  • Bondage gear So you might not think about bondage gear as a sex toy, but you should. Bondage toys are all about pushing boundaries and trying something new, and that sounds like a sex toy to us.

  • Cock rings We don’t need to explain this. It’s in the name. But why would you want to use a cock ring? These sex toys are used to help maintain longer and harder erections, which may result in penetrative sex lasting longer. Sounds good, right?

  • Dildos and plugs These sex toys can be used by just about anyone. They come in all shapes and sizes, and are simply used for penetration. They are also extremely versatile, and can be used for solo play or for spicing things up with a partner.

  • Massagers Interested in experiencing a super intense full-body orgasm? Who isn’t? This might seem obvious, but prostate massagers are sex toys designed to massage the prostate. Stimulation of the prostate can be a game-changer.

  • Masturbators The masturbation sleeve is a manual kind of sex toy into which the user inserts their penis. It is supposed to mimic the feel of a vagina, mouth, or anus, depending on the model you purchase. It’s a simple idea with impressive results.

You might come across something that doesn’t quite fit into a category, but the vast majority of sex toys for men will fall into these areas.

What is the best sex toy for men?

Thinking about experimenting with anal play? Ready to size up from plugs to prostate massagers? You’re in luck. We’ve scoured the web to find the best male-oriented sex toys for every need — all built to heighten sexual pleasure and explore new realms — whether you’re looking to go solo or pair up with a partner.

These are the best sex toys for men in 2024.

Note: For the purpose of this article, we are looking primarily at toys that are intended for use by people who are assigned male at birth, which means they are recommended with the same enthusiasm for anyone with a penis/prostate regardless of gender identity. We’ve also included a couple of products suitable for trans men.

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