The best cheap VPNs for security and streaming


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This content originally appeared on Mashable for a US audience and has been adapted for the UK audience.

All those hours you’ve spent searching for the perfect reaction GIF or drooling over recipes on YouTube seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things — but to Google, hackers, your internet service provider (ISP), and even certain government agencies, that browsing history is a valuable commodity.

And guess what? They’re probably tracking and logging every digital move you make. Like, right now. The best thing you can do to make sure your online activities are undetectable and untraceable is to invest in a VPN.

What is a VPN?

A VPN is a service that makes your web presence more difficult to track and trace, and if someone can’t track or trace your web presence, they can’t collect your personal data and do suspect things with it — like sell it to advertisers or use it to incriminate you in nefarious activities.

A VPN improves online privacy because the user’s IP address is replaced with one from the VPN provider. Those subscribed to a VPN can obtain an IP address from any gateway location the VPN service provides. A VPN is like an encrypted tunnel through which all of your online traffic passes through. Nobody can see into the tunnel, and everything inside the tunnel is protected against online threats like viruses, hackers, and malware

Do you need to pay for VPNs?

There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

A VPN keeps you anonymous online by masking your IP address and encrypting your traffic through its secure servers, and while it would be nice of providers to give away and maintain this technology for free, they have to make money somehow. So, if they’re not charging you a monthly or annual fee to use their service, they’re likely logging and selling your data in order to pay their bills. Some even have the audacity to seed their products with spyware. In the best-case scenario, that data will be used to generate eerily specific ads based on your browsing history. At worst, your privacy will be compromised.

What is the best cheap VPN?

We’ve found that many VPN providers are willing to offer their services for cheap so long as you commit to a long-term subscription. We have looked at everything on offer to line up a short selection of your best options, including popular providers like NordVPN and CyberGhost VPN.

We recommend taking your time and properly considering all the options in this list. There is something for everyone right here. You just need to weigh up each service against your own set of priorities, and pick a favourite.

These are the best cheap VPNs in 2024.

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