The best antivirus software options


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This content originally appeared on Mashable for a US audience and has been adapted for the UK audience.

Getting reliable antivirus software is as essential as a keyboard and a mouse. It’s absolute madness to log on without it, to be quite honest. It doesn’t matter what computer you have, there’s always something nasty lurking out there.

Staying safe from viruses, malware, ransomware, and phishing threats is just the start of it. A strong antivirus software package can protect you from much more. It’s not so much the hardware that’s in danger, but stuff like your private documents, banking details, and personal photos that could be at risk from cyber criminals.

Free antivirus software is an option but, typically, free solutions are limited. Luckily, there are plenty of options out there for securing your PC, though that can make it hard to know which package to purchase. Buying this stuff can be a chore, with so much jargon and impenetrable tech-speak to wade through. That’s why we’re here help point you in the right direction. Here’s some handy need-to-know information.

What is antivirus software?

Antivirus software is a programme designed to detect and remove viruses and other malicious software (or malware, as it’s better known) from your computer. They detect, isolate, and delete viruses, which prevents the malware from damaging your device. Antivirus products update automatically to provide protection against the latest viruses and malware.

What’s the difference between a virus and malware?

They’re different but also kind of the same. Malware is an umbrella term for all kinds of malicious software. Viruses are just one type of malware. Other types include trojans, spyware, ransomware, and scareware.

How do computer viruses work?

A computer virus will replicate itself and spread to devices as widely and quickly as possible (hence the name virus). Computer viruses infect applications and email. They are transmitted via websites, email attachments, storage devices, and even routers. Simple viruses can damage a hard disk or delete files. More sophisticated viruses can cause you to spam or may have clever ways of avoiding detection.

What’s anti-malware software?

Antivirus software detects and removes viruses and some other types of malicious software, while anti-malware is a program that safeguards the system from all sorts of attacks. Anti-malware tends to deal with newer, more sophisticated threats. Antivirus software often comes built into a new PC (don’t let that stop you upgrading to something more sophisticated) while anti-malware is usually an add-on.

What are the best antivirus features?

It’s tricky to pick one antivirus software because each one will suit different people and different types of computer usage. It’s worth remembering that having multiple antivirus software programs installed can cause issues, so it’s best to stick with just one. There are features worth looking out for to help make your choice. For instance, many threats stem from internet browsing so phishing protection can be a vital feature. Spyware and adware are also a problem, so it’s worth checking out antivirus software options that can scan for these too. 

Finally, you need software that provides an on-demand malware scan, as well as a vulnerability scan, so that you’re always in control of what’s going on with your data. Security is a fast-moving field so you want software that keeps on top of new trends, such as the recent growth in ransomware keen to steal your files from under you. 

What’s the best antivirus software?

If that all sounds a bit complicated, don’t sweat it — we’ve checked out the best paid antivirus software solutions and we’ve outlined why they’re worth the money. Generally, you get what you pay for, but what price can you put on keeping your computer (and, more importantly, the data on there) safe from potential threats?

These are the best antivirus solutions for every situation in 2024.

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