The 10 best dating apps for men who know what they want


illustration of man looking at dating app screens

A lot of guys have a love-hate relationship with the best dating apps for men, but what’s the alternative?

Meeting someone organically, or “in the wild” as some people call it, can feel nearly impossible. Between work, hobbies, and trying to maintain some semblance of a social life, who has the time to actually meet people? That’s where online dating comes in.

If you’re already rolling your eyes, we hear you. Dating as a man in the 21st century is tough. It’s not just the pressure to make the first move or the fear of rejection — it’s the endless swiping through fake profiles, AI-generated thirst traps, bots posing as potential matches, and the relentless Instagram models trying to lure you into their OnlyFans scam. It’s easy to get discouraged.

Despite these challenges (and the very long list of others we didn’t mention), there are still plenty of real people out there looking for love, just like you. It’s just a matter of finding the best dating apps and putting in the effort to weed out the fakes and the flakes.

Do dating apps work for most guys?

Yes! We’re not going to sugarcoat it and say everyone finds love on their first swipe (or even their first app). But here’s the thing: Real men and women are finding real connections on these apps every day. One 2023 Pew Research Center survey found that one in 10 partnered adults met their significant other through online dating. The numbers are even higher for young people and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

When asked about their experiences with dating apps, 53 percent of users said they had a positive experience, with 14 percent even rating it as “very positive.” Of course, your mileage may vary depending on who you are and what you’re looking for. But the good news is that guys seem to be having a pretty decent time, with 57 percent reporting positive experiences and results compared to 48 percent of women.

Which dating app should I use as a guy?

The dating apps we’ve highlighted in this roundup are a great starting point for guys who are serious about finding a connection, whether it’s a casual fling, a serious relationship, or something in between. Each app offers unique features and caters to different dating styles, so there’s bound to be one that fits your personality and goals.

Don’t be afraid to experiment; try out a few different apps and see what works for you. And most importantly, don’t get discouraged by the occasional bad date or disappointing match. Remember, there are plenty of fish in the (digital) sea, and with a little effort, we’re sure you’ll find the one that’s worth reeling in.

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