Play the Daily Crossword for free


A person standing in front of a graphic depicting a crossword puzzle.

There’s nothing like a great crossword. Crosswords have been the go-to morning activity for millions of people around the world. Back in the day, a crossword used to be found at the end of the newspaper. Now, there are easier ways to play for as long as you want. The Daily Crossword offers a range of features and tools to make crosswording even more fun.

Looking for a crossword game to incorporate into your morning routine? Here’s everything you need to know about Daily Crossword, including how to use the different settings and some tips and tricks for getting the best possible score.

How to play the Daily Crossword

At its core, the Daily Crossword works the same as other crossword games. You’ll be presented with a grid of boxes, with some boxes having numbers that correlate to clues across or down. If a clue is labeled as being across, you’ll need to find a word that corresponds to that clue and fill it in horizontally. If a clue is labeled as being down, you’ll do the same, but vertically, starting from the top. Only the right word will fit, though. While you might be able to find other words that correspond to the clue and fit in the boxes, the right word will have letters that are featured in other words that cross it.

That’s really all there is to it. If you find all the correct words, the puzzle will fit together nicely without any errors or blank boxes. Of course, you might find yourself needing to erase words that you’ve previously filled in if you find that words don’t quite fit together.

Settings you can change

You can change in Daily Crossword to make the experience of using it even better. The settings are available both on the web and in the mobile app.

Daily Crossword allows you to change settings relatively easily using the three-line menu button on the top left-hand corner of the screen. There, you can access a range of different settings. For example, you can opt to show a timer. The time will continue ticking while you’re playing, and it will continue ticking whether you show it or not, considering the fact that it impacts your final score. If you’re competitive, you may want to show the time on the screen to ensure you complete the crossword in a reasonable amount of time.

On top of having settings related to the timer, you can also select whether the arrow keys on your keyboard only change the cell that you’re on or the direction in which you’re typing, and you can choose to automatically skip over filled squares when you’re typing. You can also choose settings related to the clues. For example, you can increase the size of the clues, and you can show the clues as a list on the side of the puzzle, or only a single clue at once. It’s worth taking a look at the settings to set up Daily Crossword to be perfect for you.

Free Daily Crossword hints and features

There are other tools that you can use in Daily Crossword, too. For starters, there’s a check and auto-check feature, which essentially checks whether a letter, word, or puzzle that you’ve typed in is correct. You can press the check button to check either a letter, word, or puzzle. And you can enable auto-check to automatically check any mistakes as you type. To enable auto-check, press the check button, then toggle on auto-check.

If you’re really stuck, you can use the reveal feature to show you a part of the puzzle that you haven’t yet guessed. Reveal allows you to show a letter, word, or the whole puzzle.

Last is the pencil feature. The pencil is built for those times in which you’re not sure if a letter or word properly fits. You’ll be able to insert a letter into any cell without it being recognized as having been completed. So you can test out words as you go. When you use the pencil feature, letters will appear as gray instead of black on the puzzle, so you can know which letters and words you’ve entered using the feature.

Speaking of pencils, perhaps you prefer to fill out the puzzle on a good old-fashioned piece of paper. That’s what the print button on the top right of the screen is for. When you press print, you’ll be able to choose where you want the clues and what you want to be printed if you’ve already entered letters and words.

How is the Daily Crossword score calculated?

Your score for the Daily Crossword depends on a number of different factors. For starters, there’s the puzzle score, which is equal to the percentage of the puzzle that you completed without help times 100. “Help” is defined as any part of the puzzle that was filled using the reveal and check buttons. So if you want the maximum score, you should avoid using those features.

You’ll also get a time bonus, though the bonus that you get depends on the type of puzzle that you’re completing. For example, the bonus for a Two Minute Mini Daily Crossword is 120 minus the number of seconds you took, times 10. The bonus for the Sunday crossword is 2,700 minus the number of seconds you took, times 10.

Lastly, you’ll get a bonus if you complete the puzzle on the Daily Puzzle Date. For example, if the Daily Puzzle Date is the 2nd of October, and you complete it on the 2nd of October, you’ll get a 50-point daily bonus.

But while you’ll get a score for an individual puzzle, you’ll also get a total score for the month. Your total score is basically the sum of all the daily scores you’ve finished within a month, and it’s added to a leaderboard as you go.

Daily Crossword tips

If you’re looking to get the highest score you possibly can, there are a number of tips to keep in mind.

For starters, it’s probably a good idea to start with clues that you find easy. This will allow you to fill in as much of the puzzle as possible, which could give you additional hints as to what the other words may be. It’s also a good idea to focus on shorter words before anything else, which, again, will help you fill in letters that will be used in longer words down the line.

Often, the Daily Crossword will have a theme to it. You could get hints as to what the theme of the puzzle is using the puzzle’s title, and if there is a theme, keep it in mind as you guess words, as the words will connect to the theme.

Don’t be afraid to guess words as well. Sometimes, you won’t definitively know what a word is, but that’s why the pencil feature is there. Use the pencil feature to guess words as you go, as it could help you fill in letters that will give you more hints about other words.

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