Netflix just made it easier to stan their shows


A phone screen shows a clip from Bridgerton and a menu displaying sharing options.

A new era of fandom has entered the villa: Netflix will now let you save and reshare your favorite scenes directly to your friend and followers. That’s right. No more black screens or scrounging the timeline for ripped clips to share to your stan account, the app will do it for you.

Introduced to iOS users exclusively on the Netflix app, the new Moments feature allows users to pause their content, save a clip of what they just watched to their account (to revisit over and over again, of course), and then share to external social media platforms, group chats, you name it. Saved Moments will live under the “My Netflix” tab, and media rewatches will begin wherever you last saved a Moment. The feature will be added for Android users in the coming weeks, the company said.

Fans at large have turned clip sharing into an economy of its own. As a popular way to evangelize your favorite shows, movies, or actors to the greater public, started by the mid-2000s GIF obsession, clip sharing has taken over apps like TikTok and Twitter on dedicated clip farming accounts that rake in millions of views. Until now, attempts to screen record or screenshot Netflix content have been fully blocked by the site, leaving most of the internet’s beloved fancam makers and stan accounts at the whim of ripped illicit recordings of their favorite media.

The company will also release a celebrity video series featuring Netflix stars going over their favorite scenes. “You know that feeling when a scene, character, or line from a show or movie just sticks with you,” Netflix chief marketing officer Marian Lee shared with Variety, “And you can’t help but text your friends, ‘You have to watch this, it’s so good!?’ Our new campaign is all about celebrating these unforgettable moments, taking you back to the feeling you had when you first became obsessed with a great show on Netflix.”

The new feature may be a calculated advertising move for Netflix itself, with viral clips often dictating public interest in both new and old media.

But as some rejoiced, other users were quick to point out the irony of Netflix finally allowing a (monitored) version of content sharing, while at the same time cracking down on password sharing, striking its most affordable plans, and erasing digital content — including originals — from its platform.

How to save and share a Moment

Total Time

  • 2 min
What You Need

  • Netflix mobile app

Step 1:
Download the Netflix app and log in to your account.

Step 2:
Begin playing your favorite piece of media.

Step 3:
When you get to your favorite part, tap on the screen and select “Moments” on the bottom left corner of the screen.

Step 4:
Hit “Save” on the scene (timestamp will be included).

Step 5:
You can save Moments in the app or export them to platforms like X, Instagram, or Facebook, or send them directly to your friends with a link.

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