Is Tinder Platinum worth it? I tried it for 3 months to find out.


screenshots of tinder platinum

Say you’re in bed swiping on Tinder, as one does, and then you see a pop-up: Upgrade to Tinder Platinum, it says. Message Before Matching! Priority Likes!

Longtime users are likely aware of these in-app Tinder ads, as several features — such as “rewinding” your last swipe — are only available if you pay up.

The dating app rolled out Tinder Platinum in 2020, and aside from the ultra-pricey Tinder Select that’s $500 a month, this is the most expensive subscription level. Tinder’s prices vary based on factors like previous account activity, how long you’ve had your account, if you’ve paid for a subscription in the past, and the like. According to Tinder, demographic factors like age, gender, and sexual orientation don’t impact pricing. Still, it’s difficult then to gauge how much you might have to pay. At the time of this review the price was $39.99/month. One source, Android Authority, said it’s $35.99 for one month, but one user told Mashable they were offered $20.99 for the same time frame.

With prices from $20 – 40 a month, is Tinder Platinum worth it? The app gave me a three-month trial run to find out. Platinum’s varied features, elimination of ads, and exclusive perks (like seeing who I already liked) changed how I used the app — but didn’t change much when it came to finding matches.

What is Tinder Platinum, and how’s it different from Tinder’s other subscription levels?

From least to most expensive, Tinder’s paid subscriptions are Tinder Plus, Gold, and Platinum.

One month of Plus is $9.99 and Gold is $24.99, according to the App Store in 2024. Each of these also vary depending on the timeframe of your subscription — if you sign up for a longer period, the prices per month drop slightly — but this exemplifies the differences.

It’s also worth noting, too, that Tinder has modified its paid features over time. For example, free users used to get one Super Like — a blue star that indicates you like someone before you match — a day.

Now, Super Likes are only available for a la carte purchase or as part of a subscription.

Tinder Plus no longer includes Super Likes or a monthly Boost (which “boosts” your profile to the top of others’ card stack). Tinder Gold and Platinum now include weekly Super Likes as opposed to daily.

With Plus, you get:

  • Unlimited likes (as opposed to 100 right swipes per day with a basic account)

  • Unlimited rewinds (which undoes left swipes)

  • Ability to change your location with the Passport feature

  • Incognito Mode

  • No ads

Tinder Gold gives you all those features, plus:

  • Weekly Super Likes

  • One free Boost a month

  • Seeing who already liked you

  • Tinder’s “top picks” for you every day

Platinum has all the aforementioned features, as well as:

  • Message before Matching (though you must Super Like someone to do so)

  • Prioritized Likes (the app makes sure your Likes and Super Likes are seen faster before those of non-Platinum users)

  • Seeing the Likes you’ve sent in the last week

Is paying for Tinder worth it?

Tinder’s standard paid features — the ones available to all subscribers — are pretty sweet. When Tinder Plus was around five dollars a month years ago, it was definitely worth it. Now, I’d say to only pay for any Tinder subscription if it fits in your budget and you’re going to consistently use these features.

The most useful, in my opinion, is unlimited rewinds. You can’t undo any mistaken left-swipe unless you pay for Tinder, period. Haven’t we all experienced the anguish of Noping someone we wish we Liked? When you’re not a paid user, it can be devastating. You’re left wondering what such a connection would’ve been like.

With rewind, you don’t have to wonder. Now, you can potentially change your destiny forever…OK, that’s a stretch, but it is an incredibly useful feature I take advantage of often and miss now that my subscription has ended.

Then there’s unlimited likes, which is useful if you’re swipe-happy and live in a populous place. I will admit, there have been days I’ve swiped right over 100 times — and then can’t Like anyone else for 12 hours (with a free account). If you’re in a major city and there’s plenty of people on Tinder, sometimes it just happens!

One feature I don’t care much about is Passport to any location. I never used Tinder to meet people while traveling, but maybe you do.

Hidden advertisements are a sneaky feature, but one that you suddenly notice if you stop paying. As with every service, not seeing ads is always a plus.

Should I buy Tinder Platinum?

The features mentioned above are available with Tinder Plus, the cheapest paid option. Let’s examine the exclusive Platinum features.

First up: Message before Matching. To do this, you must Super Like someone and can write a message up to 140 characters. According to Tinder, this increases the chances of matching by 25 percent.

I refrained from using Message before Matching too many times because I was afraid this would be seen as “cringe,” as Super Liking itself is sometimes perceived. If my memory serves me correctly, however, most of the people I messaged early did end up matching with me.

With great power comes great responsibility, though. You may think it’s funny to ask to rub your balls on a woman, like this Redditor did using Message before Matching, but it can (and will) come across as gross.

Next is Prioritized Likes, which I forgot about during my time as a Platinum user. I didn’t measure my match rate before and after the subscription, but I haven’t noticed any discernible difference.

Finally, with Tinder Platinum you can see the Likes you’ve already sent in the past week. This is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it’s cool to be able to see someone’s profile again even if you haven’t matched, and in that time you can also “upgrade” your Like to a Super Like if you want to increase your matching chances.

On the other hand, it sucks when you see someone you find attractive and fun but they haven’t matched back. What gives?

While I started my Platinum “journey” looking at who I liked, by the end I avoided that tab.

Overall, Platinum wasn’t worth it for me as the features I enjoyed the most are available on Tinder Plus. I didn’t discuss the features only available on both Gold and Platinum — like seeing who already liked you — because I didn’t take advantage of them much, either.

As far as I can tell, I matched and messaged people at the same frequency as a Platinum user as I did as a free one.

If you want to message before matching, get priority likes, and see who you already liked, by all means go for Platinum. If not, you can easily downgrade to Plus or Gold and enjoy the experience.

Compared to Bumble Premium, another paid subscription I tried, Tinder Platinum has some similar features, such as undoing a left swipe and peeking at who already liked you. Choose one depending on which app you already use more.

Tinder gifted me Platinum for review, but I’d pay for Tinder Plus myself. I can have all the features I want and save money. When I see the Platinum pop-up now, I know what I’m missing — and I tap away.

Tinder Platinum is available for $39.99/month.

UPDATE: Jan. 21, 2022, 3:30 p.m. EST This article has been updated with a comparison to Bumble Premium.

This article was first published in 2021 and republished in 2024.

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