iPadOS 18 announced at WWDC 2024: 7 new features, including Apple Intelligence


A jumbled screen shows the various new features coming with iPadOS 18.

Apple’s WWDC has been full of big announcements this year, with machine learning taking center stage.

iPadOS 18 was one of the key updates unveiled, and there are plenty of big new features on the horizon — from a big Apple Pencil-assisted update to Notes to a brand new (and very advanced) Calculator app.

We’ve broken them down below.

Apple Intelligence

This was the big one, and it’s going to have major ramifications across all Apple devices. Apple Intelligence is Apple’s newly announced AI, which will power a newly revamped (and more natural sounding) Siri, new writing tools (allowing you to rewrite and proofread text), and let you create original images and animations that can be tailored to your specific contacts.

Apple Intelligence also goes hand in hand with some of the other new features outlined below, like Math Notes and Smartscript (more on those in a moment).

During WWDC, Apple spent a lot of time talking about AI in relation to privacy in a clear attempt to distance itself from competitors. “Powerful intelligence goes hand in hand with powerful privacy,” said lead software engineer Craig Federighi, citing Apple Intelligence’s ability to be aware of personal date without collecting it via on-device processing and “Private Cloud Compute”.

Apple Calculator app, but make it advanced

iPhones have long been able to churn out sums for us, but their larger cousins have always been lacking in this area. iPadOS 18 puts paid to this by welcoming the Calculator app — in a big way. The Apple Calculator app on an iPad will utilise the Apple Pencil in combination with a new feature called “Math Notes” — essentially turning your iPad into an interactive blackboard with results that update live.

Math Notes isn’t just a gimmick, either. The WWDC demonstration showed off some impressive capabilities, including the solving of physics problems that include variables. Impressive!

All of this integrates with Notes, too, which brings us nicely to the next iPadOS 18 feature…

‘Smartscript’ in Notes

Notes is getting a big upgrade, with iPadOS 18 taking advantage of the Apple Pencil to bring us something called Smartscript. This new feature uses machine learning to allow you to scribble out your work in a stylised version of your own handwriting. You can also paste text into Notes and watch it appear in your own handwriting, and scribble stuff out to erase it.

Screen sharing in Shareplay

Shareplay is getting a big update, with iPadOS 18 bringing the ability to screen share. While your sharing screens with someone you can use the Pencil to tap and draw, showing them live what to do on their screen. If things get too tricky, you can also ask for permission to control their iPad remotely.

Home screen personalization

Customisation seems to be a pretty big buzzword at WWDC this year, and the iPad will be no exception. Like the iPhone, iPadOS 18 will allow you to shuffle around your apps to your heart’s content, rearranging them in a way that really makes that Home Screen image pop.

A new floating tab bar will also make it easier to navigate. The bar morphs into a side bar, and you can customize it keep your favorites nearby.

A revamped Control Centre

Yep, it’s coming to iPadOS 18 too. iOS 18’s new Control Centre is highly customizable, and you can access your various groups with a single continuous swipe. Developers can include controls from their apps as well.

Photos app redesign

The Photos app is getting a fresh new look on iPadOS 18. In a demonstration, we were shown the main photo grid up top, with the Library view below. There will be the option to filter images (you can filter out screenshots, for instance), and Collections allows you to organise your most valuable pictures. You can further customize this section by pinning collections, while a quick swipe right brings you to a Favorite section.

This story is developing…

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