How do VPNs work? Here’s what they can do for you


VPN illustration on a phone

Ever wondered how a VPN works? It can hide your IP address, encrypt your data from prying eyes, and let you bypass geo-restrictions so you can watch the latest Netflix shows. But how, exactly, does it accomplish these tasks?

Virtual private networks (VPNs) are a lot less complicated than they seem. Put simply, they create an encrypted tunnel between your device(s) and the internet, hiding your internet activity from anyone being a tad too nosy (e.g., your internet service provider (ISP), third-party trackers, or nasty hackers). 

Internet data encryption in VPNs isn’t anything new. In fact, it can be tracked all the way back to the 1970s, when the U.S. Department of Defense got involved in protecting internet communication. Since then, VPNs have exploded in the digital space, with a whopping 1.6 billion reported users worldwide. Better yet, encrypting your internet traffic comes with many benefits these days. 

Here’s a better look at how VPNs work — and what they can do for you. 

How does a VPN work?

VPNs create an encrypted tunnel encapsulating data packets, a.k.a. your internet traffic, and transmits them through a series of encrypted connections. Essentially, they act like a secret tunnel for your traffic. For a step-by-step play on a technical level (with a side of layman’s terms), here’s how they work:

  1. VPNs use tunneling protocols — like PPTP, L2TP/IPSec, IKEv2, WireGuard, and OpenVPN — to establish an encrypted tunnel. These protocols define how data packets are encapsulated, encrypted, and transmitted securely.

  2. Using encryption algorithms like AES-256, the VPN then scrambles data packets, making them indecipherable to anyone intercepting them during transmission.

  3. The VPN client software installed on your device initiates the connection request. Then, the VPN server, operated by the VPN service provider, authenticates the user, establishes the tunnel, and routes the encrypted traffic. These servers also have their own dedicated IP addresses.

  4. The VPN client encapsulates the original data packets with routing instructions. These data packets are then encrypted using an established key, making what is in the data packet unreadable. In other words, your internet activity.

  5. The encrypted packets are transmitted over a network (e.g., the internet) through the established tunnel.

  6. Upon reaching the VPN server, the packets are decrypted using a private key, and the original data is extracted.

  7. When it reaches the VPN server, it then decrypts the data, removes the tunnel encapsulation, and routes the data packets to where they need to go on the internet.

What can a VPN do for you?

There are many ways a VPN can be used in your daily internet activities, especially if you’re taking full advantage of all the tools the best VPNs provide. When it comes down to it, there are three ways a VPN can give your internet browsing an upgrade. 

  • Privacy: By hiding your IP address, VPNs keep your internet activities hidden from your ISP, government surveillance, or hackers on Wi-Fi networks, especially public ones. 

  • Security: Using a variety of encryption methods, a VPN will protect your data from being seen or stolen.

  • Bypassing geo-restriction: If you’re trying to sneak past a blocked website or need to access a country specific streaming service, a VPN can connect to servers in different countries and keep your true IP address hidden, giving you the keys to unlock content virtually anywhere around the globe. 

Hungry for more VPN coverage? Check out Why you should be using a VPN and why you should have one for your phone.

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