Elevate your home office with these Samsung monitors that are up to 28% off at Amazon


three Samsung monitors on a background with blue and purple

If you work from home or have a gaming set-up on your PC, you’ll want to be using a high-quality monitor. If you’re in need of an upgrade, you’re in luck today because Amazon has some great deals on Samsung monitors. Here are some of the best deals:

Discounted Samsung monitors at Amazon

Best overall deal
a samsung essential monitor s3

Best gaming monitor deal
a curved samsung monitor

Best monitor deal under 25 inches

Samsung Essential Monitor S4 (24-inch)

$129.99 at Amazon
(save $50)
the samsung essential monitor s4

If you work from home or catch up on emails in the evening and you do so on a small laptop screen, you’re living life in the lane ridden with potholes. Instead, switch to the smooth lane by grabbing an external monitor. Sitting next to your laptop, these monitors expand (or mirror) your computer’s screen, which means you’ll have way more space to get work done. Instead of switching between tabs to complete work tasks, delegate two screens to streamline the project. But be warned that once you have one monitor, you might want two.

If you prefer to do gaming on an external monitor, you’ll also want to make sure you have a clear display that’s plenty large.

Samsung has long been an industry leader in producing high-quality displays and Amazon has some great sale prices on Samsung monitors during the week of Sept. 19. Here are some top choices if you’re looking for an upgrade:

Best overall deal

Why we like it

With a 27-inch curved display, the Samsung Essential Monitor S3 comes with both an HDMI port and a VGA connection. The curved screen can be ideal for focus when working or for getting fully immersed in a game. Samsung also thought about eye health when designing the monitor, including advanced eye comfort which is said to reduce eye strain by minimizing blue light and reducing on-screen flickering.

You can use the Samsung Essential Monitor S3 in gaming mode which adjusts any game to fill the screen space.

Best gaming monitor deal

Why we like it

If you’re in need of a gaming upgrade, the 32-inch Samsung S39C Series Gaming Monitor might be perfect. The curved display gives a more immersive feel while the advanced eye comfort aims to reduce strain by providing a flicker-free screen. You’ll also get two HDMI ports and a DP triple interface to connect your devices. Plus, the monitor’s built-in five-watt speakers makes gaming even better.

The AMD FreeSync gives you a seamless gaming experience combined with a smooth 75Hz refresh rate.

Best monitor deal under 25 inches

Why we like it

If you’re shopping for an external monitor, but don’t want to go overboard with the size, consider the 24-inch Samsung Essential Monitor S4 which is on sale for just $129.99 at Amazon. With the included heigh-adjustable stand, you’ll be able to set up your work station just how you like it. Samsung equipped the monitor with the brand’s advanced eye care solutions which aims to reduce strain by minimizing blue light and using a flicker-free design.

The 100Hz refresh rate means you’ll be getting smooth images without lag or motion blur.

More Samsung monitors on sale at Amazon

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