The 4 smartest Roombas are back at record-low pricing


Roomba robot vacuum cleaning crumbs on hardwood floor with rug in peripheral

SAVE UP TO $400.99: As of May 28, several j-Series Roombas have dropped back to to record low pricing at Amazon, with discounts ranging between 29% and 44% off.

Best Roomba deals this week

Most advanced Roomba

iRobot Roomba Combo j9+

$999 at Amazon
(save $400.99)
Roomba Combo j9+ robot vacuum with mop lifted, self-empty dock, and smartphone with iRobot logo on screen

Next best mopping Roomba

iRobot Roomba Combo j7+

$699 at Amazon
Roomba Combo j7+ robot vacuum with mop lifted, self-empty dock, and smartphone with iRobot logo on screen

Most powerful Roomba under $600

iRobot Roomba j9+

$599 at Amazon
iRobot Roomba j9+ on dock and smartphone with iRobot logo on screen

Cheapest mopping Roomba with obstacle avoidance

iRobot Roomba Combo j5+

$449 at Amazon
(save $350.99)
iRobot Roomba j5+ robot vacuum on dock, external water tank, and smartphone with iRobot logo on screen

It’s been pretty quiet on the Roomba deals front for the past month or so, as peak spring cleaning season slowly shuts down for the summer.

If you didn’t take advantage of spring cleaning robot vacuum deals back then, we’d absolutely argue that summer cleaning is a thing. If anything, your schedule is way more packed than it was back in March or April — and your justification for needing a robot vacuum to take over is bolstered every time you agree to another outdoor happy hour or last-minute day trip to the beach.

Amazon and iRobot must be in agreeance on summer cleaning, too, because the best four Roomba deals that we saw at the end of April are back. As of May 28, four j-Series Roombas (all with small obstacle avoidance technology) are back down to record-low pricing — all are below $100 and one is even under $500.

Not sure which Roomba you should get? We’ve outlined the main differences between the Roomba Combo j9+, Roomba Combo j7+, Roomba j9+, or Roomba Combo j5+ below:

Most advanced Roomba

iRobot Roomba Combo j9+

at Amazon

Save $400.99

At full price, the very best Roomba at cleaning (admittedly) isn’t always our recommendation for a hybrid model, as it doesn’t wash or dry its own mopping pads like similarly-priced competitors in the business. On sale for under $1,000, though? Now we’re talking.

Compared to cheaper j-Series Roombas, the Combo j9+ keeps the best parts of the older Roomba Combo j7+ that we loved during hands-on testing, like the retractable mopping pad that can switch to mopping mode on a whim. It also scrubs more powerfully than the Combo j7+ and is the only Roomba to clean with a four-stage cleaning system, which delivers 100% stronger suction than the i Series Roombas.

Compared to other self-emptying robot vacuums and mops from Roborock, Eufy, or Narwal, the Combo j9+ has the most reliable small obstacle avoidance that we’ve tested — crucial for your confidence that your robot vacuum won’t eat a charger or get stuck on a rug while you’re not home. Its wooden-accented dock, which doubles as a full-time side table, is a breath of fresh air from the ultra-modern black or white designs that are common at this price point.

Next-best mopping Roomba

iRobot Roomba Combo j7+

at Amazon

Save $400.99

If $999 is still too deep of an investment, opting for the Combo j7+ instead would still be a solid choice for most homes without a heavy carpet and shedding situation. The OG Roomba hybrid still has that iconic retractable mop that makes switching between vacuum and mop mode so seamless, as well as the precise small obstacle avoidance that iRobot has perfected.

(FWIW, the record-low pricing on the Combo j7+ is technically $698.99, so feel free to wait until Black Friday if that extra cent means a lot to you.)

Most powerful Roomba under $600

iRobot Roomba j9+

at Amazon

Save $300.99

Alternatively, homes with way more flooring that require heavy duty vacuuming rather than mopping should consider the regular Roomba j9+. Stripping “Combo” from the title removes the mopping pad and water tank from the design, but still offers the gear that administers iRobot’s strongest suction power yet. Settling for your Swiffer for the wet cleaning saves you a full $400 over the Combo version of the j9+.

Cheapest mopping Roomba with obstacle avoidance

iRobot Roomba Combo j5+

at Amazon

Save $350.99

The most affordable j Series Roomba in this deals lineup really stands out against robot vacuums around the $500 mark from other brands. While most competing brands do have at least one robot vacuum that has small obstacle avoidance technology, it’s usually reserved for the premium models. iRobot is changing the game by letting you bring that game-changing feature home, on top of self-emptying and mopping, for less than $500.

The notable difference between the Combo j5+ and the other mopping Roombas listed above is that the j5+ doesn’t have the retractable mop on board. Instead, a human will need to manually swap out the regular dustbin for the water tank to signal to the Combo j5 that it’s time to mop. In this mode, the Combo j5 will avoid rugs or carpets all together and tackle them the next time the water tank is removed.

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