Nearly a quarter of iPhone users say green bubbles are a dating dealbreaker, new survey reveals


Green bubbles in texting conversation

If you’re an Android user, and you’ve been sensing some deep tensions between yourself and iPhone users, you may not be imagining it. According to a new survey conducted by All About Cookies, some iPhone users “think less” of others represented as a green bubble while texting, which often depicts Android users.

Conversely, a notable number of Android users have considered switching to iPhone. Not necessarily because they believe that it’s a better device, but because they’ve felt pressured or ridiculed into making the change.

For this study, All About Cookies surveyed 1,000 anonymous adults in July 2024 via Pollfish, a market research survey tool.

iPhone users: How do they really feel about Android owners?

Among the iPhone users surveyed in the study, nearly a quarter — 22 percent — admit that they look down on users that send “non-iMessage texts” (e.g., Android users). However, 78 percent of iPhone-owning participants say they don’t feel superior to green-bubble senders.

Survey chart depicting how iPhone users feel about Android users

Survey results based on 1,000 participants
Credit: All About Cookies

Interestingly, 23 percent of iPhone users get turned off when they discover that a potential love interest comes up as a green bubble in their first text conversation, calling it a “dealbreaker.”

Survey chart depicting how male and female respondents feel about green bubbles

Credit: All About Cookies

The survey looked at how male and female participants differed in their responses. One question asked, “Would it be a dealbreaker for someone you were interested in to use a non-Apple phone?” Thirty-one percent of men said yes; 16 percent of women said the same.

Android users felt marginalized, according to survey

The survey discovered that 52 percent of Android users were “made fun of at some point” by iPhone users for their mobile device; 36 percent said they were “negatively judged.” Twenty-six percent confessed to feeling embarrassed about their Android device.

Additionally, 30 percent of Android users considered switching due to peer pressure, the survey revealed.

Android, iPhone users seek other apps for better cross-platform experiences

While there’s some friction between Android and iPhone users, the survey found that both camps are seek equal footing by exploring more seamless messaging platforms (e.g., WhatsApp).

Forty-two percent said yes when asked, “Have you ever switched to a third-party messaging app to accommodate non-iOS users?”

While Apple hasn’t shown any indication that it will drop the green bubbles any time soon, the Cupertino-based tech giant now supports RCS messaging (also known as Rich Communication Services) in Messages with the launch of iOS 18.

Without RCS Messaging support, Android and iPhone users experienced some foibles while messaging each other. For example, videos and pictures appeared blurry and low-quality due to heavy media compression. Plus, there are no read receipts nor typing indicators. However, as mentioned, that is now changing with iOS 18.

Expect higher-quality media sharing and other modern messaging features between iPhone and Android users, thanks to iOS 18. The only thing that won’t be featured with iPhone-supported RCS is end-to-end encryption, though the GSM Association (Global System for Mobile Communications), which is at the helm of the RCS standard, is working to bring end-to-end encryption to both mobile operating systems.

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