Instagram is failing to protect female politicians from abuse and anti-hate speech


Vice President Kamala Harris looking serious in a pale blue suit at a campaign rally.

In our first election cycle since Twitter‘s demise, Instagram is more important than ever. Despite being poised as the more respectable social media platform for candidates in comparison to Elon Musk’s X and political target TikTok, Instagram isn’t without its problems. According to the Center for Countering Digital Hate, Instagram is failing to protect female politicians from abuse on its platform.

A new study found that one in 25 comments on female politicians’ Instagram posts are “highly likely” to be toxic, and Instagram fails to act on 93 percent of reported abusive comments targeting female politicians. The CCDH is urging Instagram to transparently enforce its community guidelines and provide support for female politicians dealing with online abuse, as well as for lawmakers to hold social media companies accountable for the abuse on their platforms.

“This sort of abuse can dissuade women from choosing politics and running again. While it doesn’t necessarily move elections, it does signal women’s place in political life,” Imran Ahmed, the CEO and founder of the CCDH, said during a press briefing on Tuesday.  

Researchers at the CCDH selected 10 female incumbents from across the political spectrum running for office in 2024 and collected 560,000 comments on their Instagram posts dating from January to June 2024. Politicians were selected based on high digital engagement and comments studied include those on posts by Vice President Kamala Harris, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn.

Utilizing Google‘s Perspective AI tool, which is trained to identify toxic text, it found over 20,000 “rude, disrespectful, or unreasonable comments.” While it’s unclear whether or not all 20,000 comments violated Instagram’s community agreement, the study went a step further by having two researchers sift through the comments to identify the 1,000 most vile comments and report them on Instagram. A week later, 926 of the reported comments remained on the platform. These comments included sexist and racist remarks, and death and rape threats, all of which clearly violate Instagram’s policies. Seventy-seven percent of the comments included gendered abuse such as “bitch,” “rape,” and “whore.”

Instagram boasts that it “removes content that contains credible threats or hate speech” and “content that targets private individuals to degrade or shame them,” but its lack of response to the majority of the comments in this study suggests otherwise.

Additionally, those who report comments on Instagram are given very few details on why the platform took action on their reports. “It’s not made transparent to the user at all what exactly happens when you file a report… It’s not clear to what extent Meta is using machines or humans,” said Callum Hood, the head of research at the CCDH. Regardless of the mechanism used around reports, he says it’s not working, and more transparency is necessary.

Meta did not immediately respond to Mashable’s request for comment.

The CCDH criticizes Instagram’s failure to act as it normalizes abuse and leads to repeat offenders — one in five of the 1,000 worst comments were posted by repeat offenders — and urges lawmakers to take action to hold Instagram accountable. Ahmed reiterated that there is no place for hateful abuse in political discourse, and as social media is increasingly central to that discourse, we should increasingly pressure social media companies to act.

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