‘House of the Dragon’ Season 2 finale: What does Helaena’s prophecy about Aemond mean?


A blonde woman stands in a dark room, looking worried.

This whole season of House of the Dragon has been filled with visions and prophecies, but the finale really doubled down.

As well as Daemon’s (Matt Smith’s) weirwood tree-assisted glimpse into the future, we also had another prophecy from Helaena (Phia Saban) — and it could have some major implications for her brothers Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) and Aegon II (Tom Glynn-Carney).

So what exactly does Helaena say to Aemond, and what does it mean?

What does Helaena say to Aemond?

After he comes to the Red Keep’s balcony to ask her to fly with him to Harrenhal, Helaena tells Aemond she saw him burning Aegon II during the battle at Rook’s Rest. He tells her she’s lying but she doubles down, then makes the following prediction:

“Aegon will be king again. He’s yet to see victory. He sits on a wooden throne. And you…you will be dead. You are swallowed up in the God’s Eye, and you are never seen again.”

“I could have you killed,” responds Aemond.

“It wouldn’t change anything,” comes Helaena’s reply.

Given that Helaena has already made several correct predictions in the show, there’s no reason to think this one won’t also come true. But what exactly does it mean?

A blonde man with an eyepatch stands on a balcony with a blonde woman, both in medieval clothes.

Credit: Ollie Upton/HBO

What is the God’s Eye?

The first part of Helaena’s prophecy is simply enough: she’s saying Aegon II, who is healing from his injuries slowly, will be king again one day. The wooden throne could refer to the carriage he’s seen taking with Larys Strong (Matthew Needham) en route to Essos in the episode’s final montage, although this isn’t entirely clear.

But what about the God’s Eye? Well, this isn’t nearly as cryptic as it sounds. If we hop over to the official Westeros map and click Harrenhal, we can see that God’s Eye is the name of the large lake directly south of the castle (it’s called God’s Eye because of the island in the middle, which looks like a pupil from above). Helaena is literally telling Aemond how he’s going to die: by disappearing (and presumably drowning) in the lake next to Harrenhal. Just to underline this point, pay close attention to the scene directly after their conversation that shows Rhaenyra (Emma D’Arcy) flying towards Harrenhal on her dragon alongside Addam of Hull (Clinton Liberty). That body of water they’re soaring over? That’s God’s Eye.

Given that Aemond is currently planning a dragon excursion to Harrenhal, Helaena’s prophecy is even more ominous. Is it possible that he’ll die while battling Daemon there? And could Aemond’s death even occur during the same battle that Daemons sees in his vision, where he presumably drowns too? We’ll have to wait until Season 3 to find out.

House of the Dragon Season 2 is streaming now on Max.

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