Buy the Fitbit Ace LTE smartwatch for kids and get a free $50 Best Buy gift card


a person with red hair wears the fitbit ace smartwatch for kids

GET A FREE $50 BEST BUY GIFT CARD: Grab the new Fitbit Ace LTE smartwatch for kids at Best Buy for $229.95 and get a free $50 Best Buy gift card.

Fitbit Ace LTE smartwatch for kids

at Best Buy
get a free $50 Best Buy gift card with purchase

It’s back-to-school time, which means the kids are loading up their backpacks and picking out their first-day-of-school outfits. While you might be sending them off with a fresh box of crayons and some new kicks, you might also be considering some upgraded tech. Thanks to today’s deal at Best Buy, you can score a new smartwatch designed for kids while getting a free Best Buy gift card.

As of Aug. 1, the Fitbit Ace LTE smartwatch for kids is $229.95 at Best Buy and your purchase comes with a free $50 Best Buy gift card. That’s essentially like taking $50 off the price of this smartwatch — and putting those funds toward anything else you want at Best Buy.

Google recently launched the new Fitbit Ace LTE smartwatch, which is designed with kids in mind. The watch comes with features to keep kids happily entertained and motivated to move, as well as location and connection features that’ll give parents peace of mind about their kids’ location.

For starters, the Fitbit Ace LTE comes with the Fitbit Arcade, which is packed with movement-based games for kids to enjoy throughout the day. Instead of closing rings, the watch uses “the Noodle,” a fun animal design that lets kids keep better track of their steps, jumps, and bounces.

But when it comes time to focus in the classroom or in the evening while completing homework, parents can set downtime on the Fitbit Ace LTE, which restricts access to some features while still allowing kids to get in touch should they need to.

Through the Fitbit Ace app, kids can make calls and texts to 20 contacts, which parents can approve. The app also allows parents to see where their kids are currently located, so you’ll know they made it from school to soccer practice or decided to study in the library this afternoon.

It’s worth noting that the Fitbit Ace LTE smartwatch requires a monthly Fitbit Ace Pass, which costs $9.99 per month. You can purchase this plan during setup of the watch. The pass gives unlimited LTE connectivity, GPS tracking, calling, and messaging.

Make sure the kids are ready to head back to the classroom with the motivational Fitbit Ace LTE smartwatch. Not only will they enjoy the games, it gives parents reassurance of always being in touch. Thanks to today’s deal at Best Buy, the Fitbit Ace LTE comes with a free $50 Best Buy gift card.

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