The ‘meet people twice’ theory is TikTok’s latest path to love


Two people shaking hands against the blue sky.

On TikTok, nothing — especially relationships — happens in isolation. Creators spin their lived experience into content and nothing is more digestible and applicable to a viewer’s life, than a story that fits neatly into a marketable theory. The latest so-called theory racking up views on the platform is the “meet people twice theory.”

Tiktok’s “meet people twice theory”

Each video about the theory is accompanied by a snippet of the remix of Shakka’s “When Will I See You Again,” and most offer no explanation. One posted by @lxs.tnnr with over 9.1 million views and 1.2 million likes reads, “Me realizing that the meeting people twice theory is the reason my boyfriend and i are together…” Another posted by @katie.krzywicki with over 2.5 million views and 416.9 likes says, “just heard the ‘u always meet people twice ‘ theory. & that just changed my life forever.”

Others describe how the theory applies to their relationship. TikTokker Kate Speers posted a video reading, “Met my boyfriend at freshman orientation (he doesn’t even remember) & we were both talking to other people. We then officially met 2 months later when we coincidentally took the same 8am class. We’ve been dating three years now.” Another creator @desskeyser made a video saying, “I met my bf on a random day in 2018 at a store when he stopped my ex to say hi then never saw or heard from him again until he randomly messaged me in 2021 and we’ve been together since…” 

The simple phrase invited a variety of interpretations. One creator, @trashgoblinhooker, laid out three: “1. You meet someone and find them in someone else. 2. You meet someone, disconnect and reconnect. 3. You meet someone, then you REALLY meet them.” 

Last year, creator @cicipoland posted a different meet people twice theory positing that you meet them in real life and you meet their social media persona. 

It’s also reminiscent of the German goodbye expression that translates to “you always meet twice in life.” Depending on the context, it can be used as a sort of karmic threat or a sweet way of saying we will meet again. 

The most popular reading of the TikTok theory is that if you are meant to be, someone will return to your life. The theory invites mysticism into something that is obvious: in order to be in a relationship with someone, you have to meet them more than once. 

It’s similar to “the invisible string theory” that cropped up last year, which built upon centuries-old legends and myths to claim that mysterious forces are at work drawing you to another person time after time. 

As many videos as there are confirming that the universe brings people into your life twice or attached someone to you via the red string of fate, there are an equal number of videos dictating how you must date. Back in January, the “orange peel theory” took off, insisting that if your partner wouldn’t drop everything to peel you an orange, then you should drop them. 

TikTok flip-flops between the ineffability of destiny and soulmates, strict dating rules, and tests for partners — leaving viewers in search of love with the same mixed signals the dating experts warn them about. 

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